Thursday, March 10, 2011

Green Agriculture Can Feed the World

One of my pet peeves is the conventional "wisdom" that organic and sustainable agriculture may be all right for your typical upper middle class granola-eating yoga-doing Whole Foods shopper, but feeding the world may only be accomplished through chemical-based agriculture.  Tom Philpott and Mark Bittman have both written excellent pieces debunking this conventional wisdom, and both are must-reads.

Grist article by Tom Philpott

New York Times Op-Ed by Mark Bittman

This debate reminds me of the debate over the Iraq war, when those who said invading Iraq and Afghanistan would be a disaster were ridiculed by the "serious" people.  The same thing happened with climate change - weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels would wreck the economy!  Now it is happening with the economy - all "serious" people say we need focus exclusively on the national debt.  Of course, when push comes to shove, the true agenda is revealed.

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